Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sex and Health

Physical health of people, most people think that as long as proper diet, exercise and temperament can be nursed back to health. This is basically true, but, then depth of excavation, must first be able to eat a reasonable diet, nutritious diet to the body; If they choose a bad mood, and even rice are swallowing it down, even the best diet what is the use it !

Exercise, too, bad mood, there will be moderate exercise either too lazy to move, or is desperate campaign to vent their emotions. Therefore, the ancient Chinese self-cultivation has repeatedly stressed that its aim is to make the psychological balance.

Thus, let us analyze the psychological balance of many factors. Diet and sex of human (and other animals, plants) of the two requirements are indispensable, is the world's most basic factor to multiply. Therefore, the transfer of heterosexual intercourse is the only right and proper thing. The handover between heterosexual intercourses will be completely and emotional impact on people's mood, good sexual encounters brought to people is that happy and emotional, sexual contact is a bad mood and emotions make people worse. As we all know, family tragedy and sexual disharmony is absolutely related to the emergence of third party discord with the sexual life. Hard to imagine that there is a harmonious sexual life of couples will divorce, of course, does not rule out a few exceptions.

And harmonious sexual life comes from where from knowledge, from sex education, from sociology, psychology, also from the right of way.

A man, if you do not know how women's psychological and physical structure, then he cannot make women happy. Similarly, a woman does not know men's emotional and physical structures, although it can make men happy, but that is not true happiness. As our country lags behind sex education and underdeveloped, making all the young adolescent bud are affected to varying degrees. Some dim they get married, some to taste the forbidden fruit is not urgent, there is a clone through life, and the results are equally to physical and psychological harm. The hurt of life and psychological, will not balance people's psychological development. Once overshadowed by psychological, self-cultivation will be difficult to properly conduct. Today's society, we see the psychological imbalance and mental illness, most of them with marriage are, therefore, sex and health are closely related.

Generated when people feel love between men and women will have an irresistible combination of power, this force is simply put the two together as one people had passed over. However, it has been found over the integration regardless, then they will go to the opposite, resulting in a feeling of separation or tragedy. Nanfennanshe love the people, this is just one aspect of things, true love, both to attract because of the distance from each other and both love to find his soul, but not their own, will produce strong the pursuit of love, once one of the really, does not distinguish, no distance, and the pursuit of love will not show up, love will disappear.

In fact, so-called love, is the desire to meet their physical and spiritual needs, to achieve the purpose, must have Ai emotions and love means, because to treat each other with hate is not possible to achieve the objective.

Is the heart of a deep energy, it is often used to camouflage their love, in fact, it is a truly wild and terrible power, when it can be released, will love crazy, desperate. And when it blocked the release of way, there would be hated, and even to destroy the world. Modern people often indulge in love intoxicated, but have not made out of sex and love stir together the maze.

Reason is powerless in the face of sexual desire, on the contrary, it can only suppress sexual desire in a tortuous, broke out of the way of variation. In the era of conservative, prostitutes than any other time before the proliferation of more rational and civilized sex is pushed into the measurement, technology-oriented era. Aqua bookstore full of sex, wedding guide, pornographic videos with the most modern means of reproduction of the true nature of every nuanced movement, and even radio show host will quietly in the middle of the night to make love to tell people of the Week the frequency. People fear and trepidation, threw him at the feet of science, mind full of the net is more "posture", "climax" of the class concept, the perfect combination of science together with the original instinct.

However, it does not really understand the relationship between sex and health, but of the people so confused. Of flooding, making the human society also contracted the disease, the loss of the immune system; "HIV" makes a new awareness of the terrible sexual relationship. In fact, the normal sexual relations make people happy mood, mood, and full of energy, can promote the secretion of hormones in the human body, cells active. Instead of the normal human sexual relations, but to bring endless trouble and pain. Therefore, a proper understanding of nature, to master the correct knowledge is the basis for good health.

Throughout the decades of women, mostly suffering from gynecological diseases, uterine fibroids, the high incidence of cancer, most women end early menstruation, early menopause came, disease ridden, had to rely on drugs spend their twilight years. And there are very few women, due to the stable and happy sex life, to the sixties is still ranked by the normal and even pregnancy, aging, and thus their correspondingly delayed. These examples prove that people's health and sex life is indeed closely related. Therefore, awareness of these reasons, right from a young age to treat sexual problems, in order to maintain the health of the future. This life is a happy, happy.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

9 protect the back of your strength move

Eat drink, digestion good run, jump cough do not mind not panic smooth breathing bright color good sound
9 protect the back of your strength move

The reporter Hub Choking "Life Times" (June 3, 2011 page 16)
"Strength" is the word we often hear, May in the end what is the "strength", many people do not know. "We all know that surgery, bleeding will be debilitating, depressed mood, poor nutrition can also affect their strength. In fact, the Chinese view, vitality and physical energy body is like a 'big warehouse', it can be said that life-sustaining the fire. "Siouan Hospital of China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Professor Yang Li said. Modern medicine believes that strength is the "human tissue, organs and physiological functions of the basic physical activity" can be broken down into 28 specific words: "eat drink, good digestion, run, jump the heart do not panic, do not cough without breathing and smooth, bright color good sound. "Issue, the experts on the provision of nine good ways to protect vitality.

A few look like revenge films protect the heart. Many people like to watch movies like revenge, because people see bad guys punished Dashing pleasure. However, this "taste of revenge," will make you badly hurt, it is easy to increase your risk of heart disease and other stress-related diseases. Ministry of Health's chief health education specialist, Professor Jay told "Life Times" reporter, whether it is "hate" or "pleasure revenge", the first injury is the heart, followed by the stomach. "In addition to revenge type films, horror films and the plot are too depressing drama should watch less television." Jay prompted to say, looking at the process, the body's "stress hormone" will continue to secrete, to the heart to bring a sense of depression; and "happy hormone" but it will be "scared to go back", so the heart can not get enough of relaxation.

Second, the good mood have good efficacy. Disease will steal our strength. Thus, in the battle and disease started, there must be a good mood in order to have recovered quickly. Ministry of Health China-Japan Friendship Hospital to remind pharmacy consultant CSU Xiaohua, especially medicine, be sure to keep a good mood, "Do not take medicine as a burden, or even implying that he, 'eat this one, much better tomorrow sick!'" optimistic self-confident mood as the drug "accelerant" to help efficacy play. In contrast, the physiological role of drugs no matter how good, if patients lack confidence, depression, efficacy will be a lot worse.

Third, fatigue, smoking, drinking more beverages. "Tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea," is often the first choice for refreshing recover from fatigue. But remind Jay, fatigue should stay away from these "stimulants", because they will increase the burden on the heart, leading to palpitations, palpitation, and even cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accident. In addition, four samples of daily life often regardless of home, a smoke a liquor by the drink and coffee, refreshing tea to sober up, so the combination will add to the strength of the damage. Tobacco and alcohol, "two-pronged", would have alcohol carcinogenic tar into the body faster. "Drink coffee or tea, make the brain turn from the extreme suppression of extreme excitement, and to stimulate blood vessels to dilate, which greatly increase the cardiovascular burden of the damage on the human body will be many times more than a simple drink." Peking University People Hospital Director of Cardiology first XU Chongjin said.

Fourth, the hot water bath temperature is low tending to fall asleep. Quality of sleep is the cornerstone of strength, a lot of people think that "a hot bath before going to bed," helps you to sleep, it is not. Hot water causes the body temperature rises rapidly, inhibiting the brain's secretion of melatonin, the brain releases melatonin slow speed, the speed and quality of sleep affect sleep. Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Department of Neurology, and Professor Zhang Hobo recommended, preferably before going bedding 90 minutes in the shower, bath magazine lying in bed watching a while, drink a glass of milk, or family chat. So wait until the sleep, the body temperature just dropped to the temperature appropriate to sleep, sleep will come naturally; will wake up the next morning feeling particularly refreshing spirit. If only in a bath before going to bed, the water temperature can be slightly lower.

Fifth, cell phone out of the bedroom sleeps well. More precisely, the phone is not on your head around. Even a weak cell phone light flashing light will stop your brain into deep sleep, and affect the brain's secretion of melatonin, which led directly to the hour you get enough sleep but still exhausted. "Even if you close your eyes, the light can pass into the brain from the eyes, if your bedroom at night there are 'light pollution', will lead to insomnia. Similarly, it is not the voice can lead to insomnia." New York University Medical Assistant Professor, School of Joey Sweeney Chrysler said Ben, sleep bad people, must take the mobile phones, computers and so set aside the bedroom.

Sixth, do not stay in bed one day a good spirit. Person's sleep cycle, a cycle of 90 minutes, if the morning and wake up naturally, would not have to stay in bed, as sleep will continue to re-enter a 90-minute sleep cycle, so stay in bed for 30 minutes or 40 minutes after getting up was legs, whole body weakness, drowsy and listless. The best method is to lie awake after 3-5 minutes, until the body "warm" Come, get up to go all the gas, so that the spirit of the day will be better.

Seven, eat more healthy fats. In fact, dietary fat and not all the fat into your body, on the contrary, if you eat "too factor", the body's ability to capture fat will become strong, but easily lead to fatty liver and other metabolic diseases. Xiangtan Hospital, Central South University, Professor humming reminded of nutrition, dietary fat for the body to maintain normal physiological activity is essential. "Every day we need the energy, 25% from fat, many important nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin E, DHA, etc., did not help simply cannot absorb fat. In addition, China Agricultural University, Food Science and Nutrition Engineering Total State College Associate Professor Ho also said that proper intake of fat, but can produce satiety and avoid overeating.

Eight, immediately after a meal do not eat fruits can protect the stomach. In the restaurant can always enjoy the fruit after the meal; you should give up the smart gift. Humming said daily food in the stomach residence time is approximately: 1 hour class of carbohydrates, protein 2-3 hours, 5-6 hours of fat. Eat fruits immediately after meals, slow digestion of starch, protein and fat will affect the fast digestion of fruit, fruit will be frozen stomach, easily lead to bloating and stomach pain. In addition, fruit and hot food cool experience, will increase the stimulation of the stomach.

IX lunch most refreshing wash. Many people can adhere to brush your teeth morning and evening, but the bacteria in the mouth when you sleep; the propagation speed is only 60% of the time during the day. Therefore, during the day need dental care. Brush your teeth after lunch, not only clean the mouth, and also help to alleviate a morning fatigue, the body's vital energy recovery from the trough. At this point the best warm water and then a face, the face of the oil and clean out the pores of the "dirt", then put on some fresh cream, and more help refreshing.

Friday, October 28, 2011

List of body organs worksheet

Any attempt to change the behavior of the biological clock, leaving the body will have the disease baffled, 20, 30 years later regret, it was too late.

First, at 9-11 point the immune system (lymph) drainage time, this period should be quiet and listen to music.

Second, the night 11 - 1:00, liver detoxification, need to be sleeping.

Third, the early 1-3 points, gall bladder deter, likewise.

Fourth, the early 3-5 points, lung detoxification. Namely why people cough cough during this period was the most dramatic action has come to the lung due to detoxification; not Medicine, so as not to inhibit the elimination of waste sediments.

Fifth, 5-7 points early, colon detoxification, should the toilet bowel.

VI At 7-9 points, the small intestine absorbs nutrients period of time, should eat breakfast. Eat the best early treatment of patients, at 6 o'clock and a half ago, and health in the first 7:30, eat breakfast should change their habit, even if the drag 9,10 to eat than not eat well.

Seven, midnight to 4:00 hours for the spinal marrow must be asleep, not stay up late.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Anger is the most important one of the causes of chronic diseases

Since when do not know, Chinese people angry as "angry", from small to large have been using this term. After learning the Chinese people before he had an angry, really in the body have a "gas", strictly speaking, "angry" is simply a Chinese term.

Not only angry people, most of the animals will be angry, angry animals, it follows that after the fight, so angry before the body is ready to fight the action. Adjust the body through the endocrine angry, when the body to fight the best.

The angry little animal like a country preparing for the same, when a country faces a threat of war, it will immediately prepare, will be a lot of resources into the war preparation. Disappear once the threat of war, most of these resources into a waste. Like the former Soviet Union, must take great efforts to destroy intercontinental missiles and tanks of the same.

Animals, like anger and the country's preparations for the body to adjust too many resources, so that the configuration of the body into fighting the standby mode, preparing for the next battle. Once the condition disappears, the resources of these adjustments has become waste, must be excreted. So, as angry as state of war, will consume a lot of resources, a waste of energy the body's blood.

"Yellow Emperor" Lings chapter in the disease because there is a note: "When a man riddled with the beginning students who will play in the summer and winter rain dampness, yin and yang, joy, anger, eating daily," our very early ancestors understand that anger is one of the most primitive of the causes of disease, the body's blood not only a waste of energy, is caused by various diseases of the human body is a very important reason.

And most of the disease, long-term anger will leave marks in the human body. From the appearance of a long hot temper, often in angry state, most of whom will cause baldness. Will make a serious change in the shape of the head, head midline to form the apex of the arch-shaped head. The degree of anger lightly, and will form a double-tip in the forehead on both sides of the M-shaped micro-bald, such a person must irritable temper.

From the Chinese perspective, temper, the gas will be washed up, straight into the head, so the head can cause fever, over time will form bald. Serious rage, sometimes resulting in liver bleeding, there may be more severe vomiting blood, spit blood in the liver, the degree lighter, then left bleeding in the liver, while the formation of aneurysm. These sounds terrible, but it is the real situation.

The so-called angry does not only refer to the temper issue, some nausea in the heart of anger will cause injury. Sulking will make the gas in the abdominal cavity to form the so-called Chinese "tribulations" of air stagnation. Women and breast lobular hyperplasia results are likely to be sulking.

Another has no place to send the useless gas gas, such a person looks good accomplishment, as if never angry, in fact, angry or anxious mind often in the state. Such people are very easy to form tribulations of air stagnation, resulting in duodenal ulcer or gastric ulcer, a serious cause stomach bleeding. Such person, particularly high forehead, which is above the semicircular front forehead bald, is the biggest feature.

Poor blood to the popular will sink, the formation of abdominal pain, gastrointestinal problems are often thought it was, in fact, is simply caused by anger.

From the five elements of Chinese medicine theory that the liver is wood, the spleen is the soil, wood overcomes earth. When will the spleen quid Too busy to follow up and also, if the blood is very strong young man, when the number of white blood cells will have to deal with gastrointestinal problems, it is likely some young leukemia patients from the real cause is simply angry.

Anger can cause liver heat; heat will be the opposite of the liver makes it easy to get angry. From the Chinese point of view, anger liver damage, liver damage more easily angry, the two will reinforce each other and form a vicious circle.

When long-term overdraft physical body, so that blood down to the level of re-yin fire, because when the body uses energy is overdrawn "fire", the liver will be more heat, anger is also more prosperous, people can easily get angry. Therefore, to restore blood, so blood level rise beyond the deficiency will become more peaceful people's temper.

Explosive anger can also cause liver heat, then heat up the lung also followed, will cause severe insomnia, we have encountered five days and nights cannot sleep a person is angry cause.

In frail patients in hospital, sometimes an angry will cause life-threatening. For example, more sputum of patients, once angry, make phlegm on the Bay, resulting in severe asthma, died accidentally suffocated.

As the angry body will cause many problems, therefore, routine maintenance, the first thing is to ask, "Do not get angry." The so-called angry is not the tightness is not live, but the cultivation of body and mind, open heart, or search for a religion, so when faced with disappointments in life, to have a broader mind other people's fault tolerance, the idea did not get angry. If you live or work in an environment people cannot get angry, it is only change of surroundings nearby.

Anger is one of the factors within the hair, even the best doctors cannot prevent the patient angry, so this problem only chance to overcome the patient's own self-cultivation.

Doctors can only be angry patients angry after trying to minimize the damage. Massage or acupuncture practice is the liver. The easiest way, is born of the gas immediately after the massage on the feet Taichung Point (in the dorsum of the foot first and second metatarsophalangeal joints behind the depression), can increase the liver down catharsis, then the points will pain, required repeated massage, up until this point no pain. You can also find a day of angry acupuncturist, acupuncture treatment in Taichong Point, and the needle thirty minutes, and then tie once every two days, up until this point by no pain, until the head is not in heat. Or you can eat catharsis liver foods such as orange peel, yam, etc., are also helpful. The easiest way is to cool down their feet with hot water, water temperature control in the 40-42 degrees Celsius, soak time varies, it is best to soak shoulder sweating (at room temperature 25-28 degrees Celsius), Some people need half an hour, sometimes people with low blood soak two hours.

If, in anger and left blood in the liver tumor, it takes a long time maintenance, when the blood is high energy, the body will begin to address this issue.

Understand some of our friends have such serious consequences angry, not angry no longer. The real significance is angry "punish yourself with someone else's fault" is the most stupid kind of human behavior. Cause of death because of angry people, the Chinese call "Qi" dead people, in fact, is really "stupid" dead people.

The current medical diagnosis, the patient's disease is difficult to define the cause as angry, perhaps one day, you can do this, and people will find that anger is likely to be the main causes of death among humans.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Out of the contemporary eight kinds of bad attitude

Editor's Note: Experts had predicted that "from now until mid-21st century, not as any kind of disaster can bring psychological crisis, as people continued and profound suffering." Living in social transformation, all experiencing the love and reason test, attitude reform and crisis in the game is also a profound impact on society and individual psychology to the quality of life. Issue, "Life Times" invited psychologists take you out of the eight negative attitudes in today's society.

1 understand the choice to get rid of impetuous

That is impatient and impetuous, rapid economic development, people's mentality seems to have followed the "smug" up: business development busy market, rather than to improve the quality of goods; people obsessed with "find another job", and it is little thinking about how to realize their own value ... impetuous, the individual's psychological and behavioral impact of emotions by others too easily driven by external factors, continue to pursue interests and fashion.

Depth of inexperienced young people is the biggest victims of impulsive attitude: many of the "new generation", the economic interests as the sole measure of the value of life, living in endless comparisons and illusory changes of the material being busy; final loss of core values, loss of inner peace, becomes anxious, even lost the foundation to settle down. Some time ago, "before the age of 40 graduate students to earn 40 million" remarks on the network are favorable, it is impetuous embodies.

In fact, the open society provides us with a diverse and tolerant environment of public opinion, which can fully understand themselves, explore the social, find their own characteristics and advantages; we should learn to choose, try JiLiuYongTui comparisons in order to withstand the physical test; the same time, the first practical mind down, deepening the sentiment of life, a different kind of lived up to the full and wonderful life.

2 Jing Dioxin beat noise

Social reform and opening up, people in the large sense, is the great liberation of the mind, people have the opportunity to express bold ideas and will have the freedom to cry cry, like downtown to downtown, Internet, mobile phones, the popularity of micro blogging to promote this freedom to achieve a near-peak state.

However, free behind the environment around us has become increasingly noisy, it seems that wherever, they can not get rid of feasting, Tuibeihuanzhan, noise pollution ... ... can be said that the noise is impulsive fermentation that affects the whole community, so individualism, hedonism, extreme swelling, so that people think and the lack of content, only emotional and passionate speech; lack of constructive comments, questions and verbal abuse only. After the hustle and bustle, leaving only the carnival after the collapse and the inner emptiness, apathy and social barriers.

Face of the hustle and bustle of society, the endless stream of "fun" event, we have to learn to calm analysis, rational look at, identify some too emotional and extreme social evaluation of speech, and from escape; do not follow the crowd and abide by the principle of doing things their own, do not enjoy the empty carnival; tolerant of others, from the perspective of this is really good, Duirenduishi with a few suggestions and constructive advice to facilitate things for the better conversion.

3 with regards to defuse the cold

Although the social environment of open and free, and many people can suddenly find that the bustling World revealed a ruthless indifference, colorful outside and inner loneliness formed a great contrast. A survey shows that 80% of Chinese people do not want to take the initiative to talk to strangers. Beware of competition between colleagues rather than warmth cooperation; years living next door, but know each other; the face of the suffering of others, many people choose Dang Kanke, so as not to stir up trouble. Apathy is a terrible social psychology, over time will erode the people's conscience, people may feel numb.

In fact, the emotional needs of training, exchange and enhancement of the intrinsic nature of good people, communication is a fundamental psychological needs. To melt the ice cold, first, to enhance our self-experience of traditional culture, develop their own "moral quotient" so that they are polite, gentle; secondly, care about the people around him, and actively participate in social activities . Maybe say hello, greet, the walls erected between people can virtually collapsed.

4 sincere enough to see through the flicker

Wang Zhao's essay "Maiguai" series of sketches, in entertainment public achievements of the "big flicker", but also to "flicker" of the prevailing social attitudes become popular.

Sketch in a little sly humor, and lack of wisdom "Fudge", brought us joy. However, in real life, in the interests of drivers, "flicker" quickly changed the taste, becomes a blatant deception, to give people the already fragile interpersonal trust once again cast a shadow. Some people use special relationship, passing blur of false information to personal gain; was simple to use and trust of others, lip, selfish. Fudge for the whole community into a false atmosphere of confusion, loss of basic judgments of right and wrong is right or wrong.

Face of the fog and the flicker everywhere trap, in good faith is the best disinfectant. Of their own faith, we can deeply understand themselves, accept themselves frankly, do not hide, do not follow suit, is not easy, "been fooled"; to others in good faith, we can eliminate unnecessary misunderstandings in relationships, relatively honest, and reached consensus, Tan expansive mind, no need to "flicker" to others.

Do not rely on the accumulation of speculation over 5

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Electrolysis of water is a health care function of water

Alkaline electrolysis of water features and functions:
1 weakly alkaline, and in vivo in a variety of acidic metabolites, to prevent physical acidity, eliminate a variety of disease risks;
 (2) Elimination of the body too much "free radicals" against the human body, anti-aging tissues and organs.
3 strong penetration and dissolution effectively promote the metabolism of the human body "body cleansing" and quickly remove toxins, improve immune function.
4 states with electrolytic minerals (such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc.), easily absorbed, effective supplement trace mineral elements.
5 high oxygen content, the rapid loss of oxygen in the supplementary motor; the flowers, especially fresh fish.
Acidic electrolyzed water features and functions:
1 meet the requirements of the acidity of human skin, pores can effectively remove dirt, convergence of the skin, enhance elasticity, can be used for beauty treatments.
2 thing as acidic electrolyzed water, sterilization drugs have a better suppression effect can be used to clean the body and other daily necessities,
Convergence can be cut wound to stop bleeding quickly sterilization, and can effectively deal with the skin inflammation.
Electrolysis of water and the relationship between human healths
1 alkaline electrolysis of water is slightly alkaline, to maintain the body's acid-base balance. Can be quickly rid of acidic metabolic wastes, for excessive gastric acid secretion caused by acid reflux, heartburn, ulcers; lactic acid caused by excessive muscle soreness; blood caused by too much uric acid in gout efficacy of adjuvant therapy.
2 small electrolysis of water molecules, and strong penetration and dissolution. Can promote metabolism, improve immunity, adjuvant therapy for these diseases, the role of: high blood pressure; high viscosity hyperlipidemia; diabetes; coronary heart disease; fatty liver, alcoholic liver; weight loss; cold; exclude calculi.
3 negative potential, you can clear the body peroxide, with disease prevention and anti-aging effects. Modern medicine has proved that peroxide radicals is to promote human aging, resulting in disease, the main reason for alkaline water electrolysis with-150-500MV negative potential, the body can remove 70% of free radicals.
4 alkaline electrolytic water contains large amounts of ionic minerals, calcium more easily, the following conditions have some improvement: osteoporosis in the elderly, children's growth, the elderly, arthritis, alkaline electrolysis of water on calcium type II diabetes, a significant effect. Reference method: crude green tea can be divided into five twelve equal parts, each with a thing as alkaline electrolysis of calcium drinking water soak 1 hour, drinking and then soak, 1 day 1, one day less than 2 liters of water, about 3 months of blood sugar, urine sugar will significantly reduce, or even normal.
5 high oxygen content: to provide the necessary nutrients the body cells, activation of cells, strengthening the immune system.
Electrolysis of water for other purposes in life
1 vegetable, meat washed with a plate: meat, vegetable plate with the food pieces are attached to the sauce, and covered with marks, the breeding ground for bacteria, washed with acidic ion water can be disinfected sterilization to run clean the cutting board, make a clean bacteria in food.
2 wash dishes tableware: Acidic ionized water has a strong sterilizing power, clean power, so for cutlery, dishes, cups of washed, washed bright crystal.
3 cups can be used to clean the containers with clean water because of acidic ion strength and sterilizing power of the dual function, so you can use it to wash utensils and regular cleaning. Glass and glass and other commonly used acidic ionized water to wash, can become bright crystal.
4 and the metal polished mirror: mirror with acidic ion-water friction, glasses, glass, knives, etc., easy decontamination, lights up, attached to the dirt cup of tea, or charred bottom of the pot, soak overnight with acidic ion water completely off, easy to clean, new look.
5 can be used in a wet towel will be used in acidic water wrung from the wipes, the wipes will be maintained does not produce odor, and hiking in your child, let him bring a picnic box, also Shun Piandai This wipes to go.
6 available in the laundry in the laundry area before dehydration, if the first ion in acidic water inside the bubble over and then dehydrated, and then let out of the sun, even if in the rainy season and dry season clothes is not easy, there will be no odor produced clothing .
7. Washcloth, towel, wash cloth: wet washcloth, towel easy to mold, bacteria, causing odor nuisance. Washed with acidic ion water, mold will not be long, smelly, and can be kept clean.
8 fruits, vegetables, cleaning and processing: cherries, plums, grapes, strawberries, eggplant, beans, asparagus, etc. In terms of water acidic ionic detergent or processing, you can maintain the natural color, but with the removal of pesticide residues and bacteria.
9 is a refreshing summer swimming activity, swimming is good to wash the body of water acidic, because the water quality was not the net have been infected with skin diseases and diseases of the eye may be, the sun and sea bathing, face, shoulders and other delicate skin , there will be pain, burning red phenomenon, please acidic water wet. Tissue paper affixed to the pain, anti-inflammatory pain.
10 diaper baby crying non-stop so often to acidic water wash the affected area, to be affixed at the dressing wet tissue paper, the child will sleep through the night.
11 infant son a bath with acid in summer, the baby will be feeling fresh and acidic water with tissue paper stick attached to the affected area are working well.
12 clothes cleaned by detergent, rinse with water after there will be some of the firefly beetle agent on the skin is not good to acidic water to soak and then wash tub, completely clean.
13 commonly used acidic water gargle, so fragrant breath.
14 apply make tempura; in the production of fish surface coat, if adding acidic ion water, fried up crispy and delicious.
15 items for washing in the washing m, ceramic tiles and other parts of the corridor when, if the use of acidic ion water to wash, not only easy decontamination, and acidic ion water done quickly, without the phenomenon will be sticky.
16 applies to items in the polish or polish to clean water with acidic ion-glasses, mirrors, glass or knives and other things, not only decontamination easy and bright and clean.
17 is suitable for washing in the washing cars, bicycles, motorcycles, use acidic ion water, decontamination not only fast, but as bright as new.
18 for cleaning dirt stained tea bowl and charred pots, dip them in acid-ion water, a night time dip, bowls cups and pots on the dirt can be removed completely clean.
19 can be used to clean the bath tub in the bathtub or to add more than one to three barrels of water and then heated, the water was soon boiling, you can save a lot of gas costs. And the scale is not easily attached to the tub, the water is not easy dirty, so even this re-boiled water will not produce an odor, because it can also save a lot of water money.
20. Can be used to maintain pets, acidic ion-maintenance pet hair can be used, can contribute to both pet hair shiny and beautiful.

Drinking water revolution

Water gave birth to life, water birthplace of civilization, is to support human survival and development, so that water is the source of life. Therefore, a long time ago, people were processed for drinking water, has continued to the present. It is human to survive, for the health of a persistent campaign.
The first revolution (to facilitate water times)
It found early, the water poured into the tank in the stationary period of time, water sediment, suspended solids will gradually settle down, you can get above water to drink. Over time, changing times, the construction of waterworks and water pipelines throughout the city over, and over the water with chlorine biological pollution, to stop the plague epidemic. Thus gave rise to flow into millions of households, businesses safe and reliable tap water, bottled water. Here we call it convenient water. But water is not necessarily easy to safe water. After water from the water treatment plant, subject to a long pipeline to reach the user at home, especially high-rise building roof water tanks, there is a very serious "secondary pollution."
The second revolution (the era of safe water)
Biological contamination of drinking water, drinking water, leading to a second revolution, people from drinking natural water to drink tap water, with the rapid economic development has led to increasingly serious water pollution, forcing humans to re-examine the safety of drinking water. According to China's population, economic trends, the status of water pollution can not be fundamentally improved, and now water treatment process is still not completely solve the drinking water safety, but we cannot improve until after the water drinking water sources. Therefore, in order to protect the safety of drinking water, we must raise the level of water treatment, which appeared in pure water machine, water purifier. Here we call safe water. However, water may not be safe and healthy water.
Third revolution (health water times)
Increasing water pollution, drinking water has led to the third revolution. With increasing standards of living, health consciousness, healthy water in people's increasingly demanding circumstances, water is bound to set off the third revolution. Electrolysis of water as a practical, economic, health and safety of the water is in line with the times and human needs. Therefore, as representatives of the health of water, electrolysis of water in the world's drinking water offs the third green revolution. Electrolysis of water is widely used in household disinfection, drinking and beauty, thus prompting a sharp increase in the production of such equipment, such equipment has broken down with acid-base, automatic detection and other functions, is fully equipped to enter the home conditions.

The words "self"

Modern people are talking about health, because only the physical health can have it all, ill health and even death, then have nothing. And healthy, nothing more than these three, diet, physical activity, attitude adjustment. And these three, two thousand years ago, ancient Chinese discussed, but unfortunately few people now inherited.

Let me eat, eat what is modern, dare eat anything, there regardless of the season, regardless of the nature to eat, what is that as long as the heat reached, protein, fat reached a certain amount of people can get rich in nutrients , which can be healthy. This argument has been rejected by modern scientists, such as "McDonald’s", "KFC" and other Western-style fast food, flour, a chicken, nutrition is adequate, but are considered "junk food." In China's "Winter Solstice", it is advocated nourishing, hot fill, hard to eat dog meat, mutton, eating after a winter that will not be cold. This way of eating is in fact very wrong, one into the winter, most people will get angry, mouth ulcers, people will think it is the fault of warm winters, or eating hot pot to eat, in fact, not. A Chinese saying goes: "eat eat Lobo Xia Jiang Dong", that is cool radish, cabbage fire gas, why is it so  This is from the "Book of Changes" Speaking of, or from the "Book of Changes" provision in the twelve hexagrams talking about.

Twelve provision of Han Guam is easy to learn to take home, "Book of Changes" hexagrams hexagram in the twelve special-shaped, with the month of December the year candidate, indicating the nature of all things "yin and yang, the message," meaning that the "ten provision of two Guam ", also known as" Guam month "," waiting Guam "," message Guam. " Twelve provision of a source of very ancient hexagram, they said that first appeared in the "return to Tibet": "child" complex "ugly" temporary, "Yin" Thai ", d" Lie, "Chen" Joe ", had" dry ", afternoon, "Sonica", not "escape," Sheen "No", unitary "concept," CSU "stripping" hay "Kun". "
On the winter solstice every child, a positive effect, that is yang began to rise; ugly on 2 yang, the yin month Anyang students, saying "auspicious beginning" which means this; Suzuki four actinolite, Yang Chen on 5 Health, had on Chun-yang, heaven and earth full of yang. Negative effect May 1, comes at the summer solstice, beginning with the cool, overcast June onwards, July yin, the yin from the August 4, September Wu Yin-sheng, to October between heaven and earth is full of chi. Why is it so  We know that in the summer solstice when the earth farthest from the sun, this time the extent of sunlight exposure is just the earth can afford, with the rotation of the Earth around the sun, the earth from the sun is getting closer, so students from the Earth's chi ( also known as cold), to resist sunlight exposure. Earth chi is from the Antarctic, the Arctic cold source is issued, then surging with the atmosphere, and let the wind to the country. Therefore, the more hot weather, the more we feel cool. As the Earth from the Sun is getting closer, the more students the more chi, to October, between heaven and earth full of chi, then has been very cold, enough to withstand exposure to sunlight. To November, the winter solstice, the Earth from the Sun recently, the atmosphere is full of air, when the Earth's polar cold air source is no longer issued, but issued a yang, because one had a winter solstice, the earth from the sun on the increasingly farther, the Earth issued a yang, in order to facilitate the regeneration of all things, so the saying goes: "five thousand nine hundred sixty-nine the riverside to see Liu," The more students with more yang, yin is getting less, the weather will increasingly more heat. Earth is elliptical so it goes to rotation around the sun, round and round, year after year. Which is not static, solar system planets within the scope and speed of rotation is not the same, so the Earth's magnetic field effects are not the same, but with the entire solar system rotating around the galactic center, the Earth's magnetic field effect will be even more the same. Therefore, the Four Seasons on Earth roughly the same, but the specific year of the four seasons are not the same.

Why say that  Because only understand the variation between heaven and earth movement, in order to know how the human "self"! To tea, for example:

Lunar month winter solstice, an actinolite, then yang rising, everyone lit, this time should drink green tea to blending yang.

The first lunar month, from Sanyang, commonly known as auspicious beginning, when yang is busy, should drink green tea to alleviate the yang.

Lunar month summer solstice, a shade, the heat of fresh ginger that is arrived chi, at this time should drink tea to blending chi.

Lunar month, morbidity from, although outside hot and cold inside also, when chi is busy, should drink tea to bring chi, yin side to the body heat of the air and health.

Green tea (and cool), green tea (cold), tea (warm), tea (hot sex).

Conversely, if the summer with green tea, green tea, help to cool the cold shade; or winter with black tea, jasmine tea, to warm yang, is riddled with health also. Diet is also true.

Warm food: wheat flour, soybean oil, vegetable oil, meat, dog meat, beef, chicken, shad, crabs, turtles, clams, oysters, snails, mussels, ginger, onions, garlic, leek, shepherd's purse, carrot, parsley, longan , lychee, lotus seeds, walnuts, peanuts, chestnuts, red bayberry, cherry, pomegranate, papaya. Olives, plums, oranges and so on. Should be in after the summer solstice (ie, summer, autumn) consumption. Seasonal food that is susceptible to other diseases such as stomach.

Natured foods: rice, rice, corn, soybeans, black beans, peas, beans, pork, goose, pigeon, eggs, grapes, mulberry, mango, jujube, plum, ginkgo, pineapple and so on. Can be consumed throughout the year.

Cold foods: buckwheat, barley, green beans, tofu, soy milk, rabbit, duck, duck eggs, amaranth, spinach, rape, cabbage, melon, cucumber, melon, bamboo shoots, taro, eggplant, seaweed, bitter melon, lotus root, pears, loquat, water chestnut, grapefruit, lily, banana, sugar cane, kiwi, strawberry, persimmon, watermelon and so on. Should be in after the winter solstice (the winter and spring) consumption. Other seasonal food that is susceptible to cold stomach and other diseases.

Acidic foods: fish, meat, shrimp, eggs, poultry, peanuts, walnuts, rice, flour and so on.

Alkaline food: seaweed, grapes, watermelon, beans, milk, tea, coffee and so on.

According to seasonal changes and to adjust the nature of the food we eat, then will be less risk of gastrointestinal disease, and less risk of gastrointestinal disease, gastrointestinal absorption is good, people will be able to get adequate nutrition, then you can make the body healthy, This is called "self"!

Benpian impossible to list all the food, I believe this theory to their own self-cultivation can find, good Chinese ancestors had all kinds of animals and plants listed properties.

Again, two thousand years ago, Mencius said: "The hungry are willing to eat, thirsty willing to drink, is also without diet is, victims of hunger also. Qiwei diet are victims of hunger and thirst  People Yi Jie harmful to people to victims of hunger and thirst can be no harm for the heart. not to worry and do not carry on. "

This means that many people seek it because they feel hungry seeking food, and then hand no matter what diet can eat. This right  Certainly not! Because this is not the best eating behavior. Proper diet is rationing, to eat when, and do not eat too much, so as not to be victims of hunger. Same is true of the human mind, "the book to use when Fang Henshao", "cramming" is not only no benefit but harmful. Therefore, if we can to restore the soul eating behavior nursed back to health, early learning should learn, and a wealth of knowledge, expand their horizons and improve the content, choose the best behavior, people also do not worry about this life, and will not be outside things hurt, it really achieve the "self" of purpose.