Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Out of the contemporary eight kinds of bad attitude

Editor's Note: Experts had predicted that "from now until mid-21st century, not as any kind of disaster can bring psychological crisis, as people continued and profound suffering." Living in social transformation, all experiencing the love and reason test, attitude reform and crisis in the game is also a profound impact on society and individual psychology to the quality of life. Issue, "Life Times" invited psychologists take you out of the eight negative attitudes in today's society.

1 understand the choice to get rid of impetuous

That is impatient and impetuous, rapid economic development, people's mentality seems to have followed the "smug" up: business development busy market, rather than to improve the quality of goods; people obsessed with "find another job", and it is little thinking about how to realize their own value ... impetuous, the individual's psychological and behavioral impact of emotions by others too easily driven by external factors, continue to pursue interests and fashion.

Depth of inexperienced young people is the biggest victims of impulsive attitude: many of the "new generation", the economic interests as the sole measure of the value of life, living in endless comparisons and illusory changes of the material being busy; final loss of core values, loss of inner peace, becomes anxious, even lost the foundation to settle down. Some time ago, "before the age of 40 graduate students to earn 40 million" remarks on the network are favorable, it is impetuous embodies.

In fact, the open society provides us with a diverse and tolerant environment of public opinion, which can fully understand themselves, explore the social, find their own characteristics and advantages; we should learn to choose, try JiLiuYongTui comparisons in order to withstand the physical test; the same time, the first practical mind down, deepening the sentiment of life, a different kind of lived up to the full and wonderful life.

2 Jing Dioxin beat noise

Social reform and opening up, people in the large sense, is the great liberation of the mind, people have the opportunity to express bold ideas and will have the freedom to cry cry, like downtown to downtown, Internet, mobile phones, the popularity of micro blogging to promote this freedom to achieve a near-peak state.

However, free behind the environment around us has become increasingly noisy, it seems that wherever, they can not get rid of feasting, Tuibeihuanzhan, noise pollution ... ... can be said that the noise is impulsive fermentation that affects the whole community, so individualism, hedonism, extreme swelling, so that people think and the lack of content, only emotional and passionate speech; lack of constructive comments, questions and verbal abuse only. After the hustle and bustle, leaving only the carnival after the collapse and the inner emptiness, apathy and social barriers.

Face of the hustle and bustle of society, the endless stream of "fun" event, we have to learn to calm analysis, rational look at, identify some too emotional and extreme social evaluation of speech, and from escape; do not follow the crowd and abide by the principle of doing things their own, do not enjoy the empty carnival; tolerant of others, from the perspective of this is really good, Duirenduishi with a few suggestions and constructive advice to facilitate things for the better conversion.

3 with regards to defuse the cold

Although the social environment of open and free, and many people can suddenly find that the bustling World revealed a ruthless indifference, colorful outside and inner loneliness formed a great contrast. A survey shows that 80% of Chinese people do not want to take the initiative to talk to strangers. Beware of competition between colleagues rather than warmth cooperation; years living next door, but know each other; the face of the suffering of others, many people choose Dang Kanke, so as not to stir up trouble. Apathy is a terrible social psychology, over time will erode the people's conscience, people may feel numb.

In fact, the emotional needs of training, exchange and enhancement of the intrinsic nature of good people, communication is a fundamental psychological needs. To melt the ice cold, first, to enhance our self-experience of traditional culture, develop their own "moral quotient" so that they are polite, gentle; secondly, care about the people around him, and actively participate in social activities . Maybe say hello, greet, the walls erected between people can virtually collapsed.

4 sincere enough to see through the flicker

Wang Zhao's essay "Maiguai" series of sketches, in entertainment public achievements of the "big flicker", but also to "flicker" of the prevailing social attitudes become popular.

Sketch in a little sly humor, and lack of wisdom "Fudge", brought us joy. However, in real life, in the interests of drivers, "flicker" quickly changed the taste, becomes a blatant deception, to give people the already fragile interpersonal trust once again cast a shadow. Some people use special relationship, passing blur of false information to personal gain; was simple to use and trust of others, lip, selfish. Fudge for the whole community into a false atmosphere of confusion, loss of basic judgments of right and wrong is right or wrong.

Face of the fog and the flicker everywhere trap, in good faith is the best disinfectant. Of their own faith, we can deeply understand themselves, accept themselves frankly, do not hide, do not follow suit, is not easy, "been fooled"; to others in good faith, we can eliminate unnecessary misunderstandings in relationships, relatively honest, and reached consensus, Tan expansive mind, no need to "flicker" to others.

Do not rely on the accumulation of speculation over 5

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