Saturday, October 29, 2011

9 protect the back of your strength move

Eat drink, digestion good run, jump cough do not mind not panic smooth breathing bright color good sound
9 protect the back of your strength move

The reporter Hub Choking "Life Times" (June 3, 2011 page 16)
"Strength" is the word we often hear, May in the end what is the "strength", many people do not know. "We all know that surgery, bleeding will be debilitating, depressed mood, poor nutrition can also affect their strength. In fact, the Chinese view, vitality and physical energy body is like a 'big warehouse', it can be said that life-sustaining the fire. "Siouan Hospital of China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Professor Yang Li said. Modern medicine believes that strength is the "human tissue, organs and physiological functions of the basic physical activity" can be broken down into 28 specific words: "eat drink, good digestion, run, jump the heart do not panic, do not cough without breathing and smooth, bright color good sound. "Issue, the experts on the provision of nine good ways to protect vitality.

A few look like revenge films protect the heart. Many people like to watch movies like revenge, because people see bad guys punished Dashing pleasure. However, this "taste of revenge," will make you badly hurt, it is easy to increase your risk of heart disease and other stress-related diseases. Ministry of Health's chief health education specialist, Professor Jay told "Life Times" reporter, whether it is "hate" or "pleasure revenge", the first injury is the heart, followed by the stomach. "In addition to revenge type films, horror films and the plot are too depressing drama should watch less television." Jay prompted to say, looking at the process, the body's "stress hormone" will continue to secrete, to the heart to bring a sense of depression; and "happy hormone" but it will be "scared to go back", so the heart can not get enough of relaxation.

Second, the good mood have good efficacy. Disease will steal our strength. Thus, in the battle and disease started, there must be a good mood in order to have recovered quickly. Ministry of Health China-Japan Friendship Hospital to remind pharmacy consultant CSU Xiaohua, especially medicine, be sure to keep a good mood, "Do not take medicine as a burden, or even implying that he, 'eat this one, much better tomorrow sick!'" optimistic self-confident mood as the drug "accelerant" to help efficacy play. In contrast, the physiological role of drugs no matter how good, if patients lack confidence, depression, efficacy will be a lot worse.

Third, fatigue, smoking, drinking more beverages. "Tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea," is often the first choice for refreshing recover from fatigue. But remind Jay, fatigue should stay away from these "stimulants", because they will increase the burden on the heart, leading to palpitations, palpitation, and even cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accident. In addition, four samples of daily life often regardless of home, a smoke a liquor by the drink and coffee, refreshing tea to sober up, so the combination will add to the strength of the damage. Tobacco and alcohol, "two-pronged", would have alcohol carcinogenic tar into the body faster. "Drink coffee or tea, make the brain turn from the extreme suppression of extreme excitement, and to stimulate blood vessels to dilate, which greatly increase the cardiovascular burden of the damage on the human body will be many times more than a simple drink." Peking University People Hospital Director of Cardiology first XU Chongjin said.

Fourth, the hot water bath temperature is low tending to fall asleep. Quality of sleep is the cornerstone of strength, a lot of people think that "a hot bath before going to bed," helps you to sleep, it is not. Hot water causes the body temperature rises rapidly, inhibiting the brain's secretion of melatonin, the brain releases melatonin slow speed, the speed and quality of sleep affect sleep. Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Department of Neurology, and Professor Zhang Hobo recommended, preferably before going bedding 90 minutes in the shower, bath magazine lying in bed watching a while, drink a glass of milk, or family chat. So wait until the sleep, the body temperature just dropped to the temperature appropriate to sleep, sleep will come naturally; will wake up the next morning feeling particularly refreshing spirit. If only in a bath before going to bed, the water temperature can be slightly lower.

Fifth, cell phone out of the bedroom sleeps well. More precisely, the phone is not on your head around. Even a weak cell phone light flashing light will stop your brain into deep sleep, and affect the brain's secretion of melatonin, which led directly to the hour you get enough sleep but still exhausted. "Even if you close your eyes, the light can pass into the brain from the eyes, if your bedroom at night there are 'light pollution', will lead to insomnia. Similarly, it is not the voice can lead to insomnia." New York University Medical Assistant Professor, School of Joey Sweeney Chrysler said Ben, sleep bad people, must take the mobile phones, computers and so set aside the bedroom.

Sixth, do not stay in bed one day a good spirit. Person's sleep cycle, a cycle of 90 minutes, if the morning and wake up naturally, would not have to stay in bed, as sleep will continue to re-enter a 90-minute sleep cycle, so stay in bed for 30 minutes or 40 minutes after getting up was legs, whole body weakness, drowsy and listless. The best method is to lie awake after 3-5 minutes, until the body "warm" Come, get up to go all the gas, so that the spirit of the day will be better.

Seven, eat more healthy fats. In fact, dietary fat and not all the fat into your body, on the contrary, if you eat "too factor", the body's ability to capture fat will become strong, but easily lead to fatty liver and other metabolic diseases. Xiangtan Hospital, Central South University, Professor humming reminded of nutrition, dietary fat for the body to maintain normal physiological activity is essential. "Every day we need the energy, 25% from fat, many important nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin E, DHA, etc., did not help simply cannot absorb fat. In addition, China Agricultural University, Food Science and Nutrition Engineering Total State College Associate Professor Ho also said that proper intake of fat, but can produce satiety and avoid overeating.

Eight, immediately after a meal do not eat fruits can protect the stomach. In the restaurant can always enjoy the fruit after the meal; you should give up the smart gift. Humming said daily food in the stomach residence time is approximately: 1 hour class of carbohydrates, protein 2-3 hours, 5-6 hours of fat. Eat fruits immediately after meals, slow digestion of starch, protein and fat will affect the fast digestion of fruit, fruit will be frozen stomach, easily lead to bloating and stomach pain. In addition, fruit and hot food cool experience, will increase the stimulation of the stomach.

IX lunch most refreshing wash. Many people can adhere to brush your teeth morning and evening, but the bacteria in the mouth when you sleep; the propagation speed is only 60% of the time during the day. Therefore, during the day need dental care. Brush your teeth after lunch, not only clean the mouth, and also help to alleviate a morning fatigue, the body's vital energy recovery from the trough. At this point the best warm water and then a face, the face of the oil and clean out the pores of the "dirt", then put on some fresh cream, and more help refreshing.

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